5: Welbedacht to Bokkveldskloof
Photo: Galeo Saintz |
long after we've left camp, but long enough for the water basin to no
longer freeze over again once your hands are washed, we pass the pool
near Driehoek. It is not an easy pool to simply walk past, as we
discovered last year. I will not be the one to suggest it this time,
but I am very happy when Linda does. A day that starts with a swim in
a pool like this, can only become one of the very best of days.
the river we gather to marvel at a dung beetle. It doesn't so much as
pause in its industriousness, does not for a moment hesitate to
question the value of its work. At Eikeboom, something
in the soil at my feet catches my eye. It is a coin, worn and thin -
a 1942 South African tikkie, with a protea on the front. I wonder at
how long it has lain buried there. I wonder at what brought it to the
surface for me to find.
of this feeds into the poem that comes to me as we walk silently up
the track into Tierkloof,